Monday, October 11, 2010

You Could Have Knocked Me Over With A Feather

... when I read this on Saturday.

"The notion that American horses would be raised for slaughter as a food source for foreign consumption is very troubling to many Americans, including me. "

The above is an excerpt from a letter, dated October 1, 2010, from Congressman Boozman, R.- Arkansas. I mean, we don't know the numbers of horses raised for slaughter and maybe that part of his response is a little confusing but the thought behind the comment is good. Yes?

Who knew that I would get any kind of positive response from him?
I mean really, WHO KNEW?

I have contacted Blanche Lincoln's office many times lately regarding 503 and the Roam Act and have not gotten any written response at all. They have called me back, but no official (or unofficial) position from her and no indication that they think either bill should be supported, for any reason. Same with Pryor. Same with Snyder.

Boozman will, more than likely, be elected to the Senate by Arkansas in November. Keeping fingers crossed that there is something here that will be positive for the horses.

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